Case Study: Rocky Mountain Natural Meats

The following is a letter written by Robert J. Dineen, President

October, 2004

Rocky Mountain Natural Meats slaughters approximately 10,000 bison bulls per year, all at G&C Packing Co. in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In September of 2000, a USDA approved commercial trial at G&C Packing Co. established that using MPSC’s Rinse & Chill™ system for bison was a viable kill floor intervention step. Current data shows an even greater impact against E. coli, whether carcass, vacuum packaged, or ground meat.

As a result, all bison slaughtered at the G&C Packing Co. for Rocky Mountain Natural Meats have undergone the Rinse & Chill process. Approximately 20,000 head of bison have now been rinsed using MPSC’s technology. The results have been dramatic. Benefits include cleaner carcasses, lower bacterial counts, lower cholesterol, longer shelf life, a juicier lean ground product, and more consistency overall. Our fresh, case-ready one-pound ground buffalo product has been proven time and again to hold up in the self-service case for 28 days and longer from the date of pack-off. At Rocky Mountain Natural Meats, we are convinced that utilizing Rinse & Chill is another positive and innovative step toward improving the value and quality of the bison we offer our customers – Great Range Brand Bison.

Robert J. Dineen


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